Saturday, March 20, 2021

7 Tips for Healthy Happy Long Life

         The super fast changing world and sedentary life style makes us often stressed up and we fall ill often. The Immunity level drops every time we fall ill. As the saying goes - "An ounce of prevention is always better than the pounds of cure".

Below are seven tips for healthy long life:

Get Enough Exercise:

            In the olden days people had to use their physical bodies for doing their routine normal work. In todays digital world everything is automatic right from eating, commuting and every task you do. There is hardly any physical exercise to your body. This physical inactivity is the main reason for all diseases. Sports, Running, walking and mild exercises added to our routine life will keep all illness at bay improving immunity.

Go to Sleep when you feel sleepy:

             Most people stay up late in the night even when their body says its time to sleep. Few people have the habit of staying active at the night and sleep all over the day. The students take coffee to stimulate their body to stay awake in the night. This habit takes toll on the health and is one of the main causes of developing diseases like Cancer etc.

Eat when you feel hungry:

            Appetite plays an important role in one persons health. Overeating against your body intake limits often leads to obesity or related diseases. Having an appetite is a sign of good health, however if you have no appetite, then forcibly eating is unhealthy always. Wait for sometime and then eat in small amounts.

Fasting on systematic Pattern:

            If your boss asks you to work for 365 days a year, you would get restless broken down and would ask for break to take rest. In the similar way, the digestive organs fail to work if you dont give some break for it. Periodic fasting is very much important for your digestive system to take rest and hence refrain from eating for one single day periodically. This will help digestive organs function better and eliminate all waste from body easily.

Wash with cool water before going to bed:

           As explained above, sleep is very important for overall health of your body. If you wash your important motor and sensory organs (hands, arms, eyes, legs etc) before sleep with cold water, will relax your body and help you in deep sleep.

Perform Meditation on regular basis:

           Your body is linked to your mind. Many of the diseases of this era are psychosomatic. Stress and anxiety take their toll on our physical health. Meditation is a mental exercise which, among other things, allows you to detach yourself from the worries of life. Learn a simple technique and do it regularly.

Get up Early every day:

          “Early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.”  I don't know if it will make you wealthy but definitely healthy on the long run. Your body just needs enough sleep, not too much nor too less.

If everyone follows these above steps diligently, they would not have any major health issues in their lifetime.


Friday, March 12, 2021

Autism Behaviors - Dietary Concerns


 Autism is a disorder that doesn't have a effective way of cure, even though can b treated with different methods on case basis. One of the ways you can keep symptoms of Autism under control is by studying the diet. Parents of Autistic children have reported that diet control plays significant role in child's behavior. Two of the major dietary concerns are Glutton and Casein.


is a substance found in main food products like Wheat, Rye and Oats. Casein in found in dairy products like Milk. If your autistic child consumes these foods like breads or cheese, you can better control the autistic behaviors by decreasing consumption of such foods.

Impacts of these Foods:

      The difficulty in digesting both Glutton and Casein comes from an inability to digestively handle the peptides present in these substances. Since they are not broken down as in a normal human body, these extra peptides are absorbed into the blood stream. These Elevated levels of peptides disrupt major brain functions, contributing to the effects of autism. By cutting down on these products in child's diet, you can help the body with the process of breaking down the peptides present in the body. To see if your child has high absorption rate of these peptides, your doctor can do a simple urine test.

 Things to Remember:

  •  Consult your doctor before making any major changes to your diet.
  •  Do not try to cut down Glutton and Casein all at once.
  •  Slowly begin reducing amounts of bread, grains  and milk products.
  •  Dietary Supplements need to be taken to get nutrients replacing Glutton and Casein.
  •  Maintain a Balanced Diet.
  •  Eat a very healthy diet.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Robotic Hugging - A real hug for Autistic Child


The Autistic people both child as well as adult, often seek pressure in a variety of ways to calm themselves as well as coping the sensory overloads. Oftentimes, hugs and squeezes from other people can cause more distress because autistic children or adults are often unable to communicate their needs by indicating a particular amount or length of pressure. This is both frustrating and ineffective for both the autistic person and whoever is hugging or squeezing them.

The hug machine was created to relive the frustration, leaving the autistic individuals in control of their situation. Both children and adults who suffer from autism sometimes crave pressure to help calm anxiety. This hug machine is also called HUG BOX or SQUEEZE MACHINE.

The HUG MACHINE consists of:

  • Two Padded Sideboards connected near bottom of the boards to for V Shape
  • A Lever to help push sideboards together to create pressure. Lever allows the autistic individual ability to control the amount and length of Pressure.

Affects of HUG MCHINE:

  • Heightened Sensory Perceptions of those with autism who often feels disruptive or distressing behavior
  • By Applying Pressure, the Autistic individual moves his or her focus to a single feeling-the pressure-which in turn produces a calming effect.

This may not be a cure to all your child’s problems, but it works well to help many autistic individuals cope with the world.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Clearing Ear Wax - Tips and Tricks

 The building up of the wax in the ear is the most common concern of every individual. However, many people don't realize the importance of little wax in the ear which protects ears from dirt, bugs and infections

  The most common method of clearing ear wax is using the cotton swabs. This method may remove little wax from the ear giving temporary relief, but it also tends to push the wax deep into the ear, causing the blockage which leads to pain, infection or loss of hearing in worst case.

There are more safer methods than the cotton swabs such as heat therapy or using an ear wax dissolver which is easily available in any drug store.


       Heat therapy is mostly used to soften the ear wax so that its easier to dissolve and clear out the wax from the ears. The best way of clearing ear wax using this method is to fill a bottle, such as a hot water bottle, full of warm water. The patient should then lie down with the affected ear situated directly against the bottle. Within a few moments, the wax will begin to melt, making removal much safer and easier than trying to remove a hardened clump of wax.

Sometimes, despite the best efforts of the patient, clearing ear wax at home just is not possible. Most doctors are skilled and experienced at clearing ear wax, and the process generally does not take very long. Some doctors use a device that squirts a thin stream of water into the ear, dissolving the ear wax buildup. Others use an instrument that gently and safely scoops out the excess wax buildup without causing damage to the inner portion of the ear. Still another medical device used for clearing ear wax somewhat resembles a small vacuum that uses gentle suction to remove the excess wax.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Stiff Neck and Shoulders - Causes

        The pain caused by the Stiff neck and shoulders is very severe and unbearable sometimes. The main causes for this stiffness are poor posture, stress, a muscle sprain in that area or a severe headache. The stiffness might also be caused by the poor ergonomic conditions. In the worst case, these problems may be due to the underlying medical conditions called as Meningitis. Poor sleeping positions when the head and neck are improperly supported, may also cause shoulder and neck problems.

        When the weight of the head is not properly balanced, stress is placed on the neck and shoulders, which results in stiffness and pain. Stiffness caused by poor posture can be treated without medical intervention. Some people, however, may need to wear a back brace or specialized clothing to correct poor posture and relieve from the pain.

       Stress is the most common cause for stiffness to neck and shoulders. Many people have the tendency to unconsciously tighten their shoulder muscles when preoccupied with worry and anxiety. This results in stiffness of neck and shoulders. Prolonged Stiffness may lead to Chronic pain in that area.

       The stiffness caused by meningitis is a serious problem. Bacterial forms of this illness are treatable with prescribed antibiotics. Along with pain, the infected person may also experience nausea, a headache and vomiting.

       Headaches caused by tension, food allergies, a lack of quality rest and repetitive or prolonged work may also contribute to stiffness. A caffeine dependency or skipping meals may also cause a headache, which in turn contribute to Stiffness. The symptoms of this conditions can be relieved by proper rest and over the counter or herbal headache remedies.  


Saturday, August 1, 2020

Why do we feel sleepy after heavy meals?

           In the human body, the mechanism is such that the oxygen we breathe in and the vital nutrients in the food that we eat are absorbed by the blood and supplied to the different organs, This job is accomplished efficiently by about 5 liters of blood that circulates in a normal adult.

           The amount of blood supplied to each organ depends on the oxygen and nutrition requirement of the tissues of the organ and the importance of the function it plays at any given time.

            Under normal conditions, the liver receives slightly less than one-third of the blood that the heart pumps. Likewise, the kidneys get about one-fourth, and brain about one-sixth. The remaining goes to the muscles and other parts of the body. These quantities change depending on the body work and needs.

            When we eat, the food needs to be digested and the nutrients absorbed by the blood. That is the focus of the work shifts to digesting the food and so more blood is sent to the stomach walls. Automatically, the flow of blood to other parts of the body, including the brain, is reduced.

             Only a few other very important functions like the functioning of the heart and lungs are continued. Once the blood flow to the brain is reduced, the body becomes lethargic and sleep sets in. So, better take a nap after meals, it is absolutely Normal!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

What causes Hiccups?

           Two sudden and involuntary contractions within the diaphragm cause Hiccups. There is a diaphragm located between the chest and the stomach. While inhaling air the diaphragm presses down on the stomach and the lungs are filled with air. While exhaling the diaphragm presses on the lungs and we exhale air. The diaphragm works like a piston. But sometimes due to the formation of gas or increase of acidity in the stomach the diaphragm gets irritated and as a result contracts suddenly. In such a situation the air passing into the lungs experiences obstruction and makes a peculiar sound. This is nothing but a Hiccup. Hiccups can also be caused by eating too fast or too much. It can occasionally be a symptom of mineral disorders, pneumonia, pancreatitis, bladder irritation and stomach disorders.

            For mild Hiccup attacks, we need to hold breath for a tolerably long spell, drinking a glass of water while holding your breath and swallowing in rapid successions three times a glass of water duly holding your breath. If these methods do not work, hold a paper bag tightly over your nose and mouth, breath in and out for a minute or two. The relatively high level of carbon dioxide in blood shall inhibit Hiccups.