Saturday, October 3, 2020

Stiff Neck and Shoulders - Causes

        The pain caused by the Stiff neck and shoulders is very severe and unbearable sometimes. The main causes for this stiffness are poor posture, stress, a muscle sprain in that area or a severe headache. The stiffness might also be caused by the poor ergonomic conditions. In the worst case, these problems may be due to the underlying medical conditions called as Meningitis. Poor sleeping positions when the head and neck are improperly supported, may also cause shoulder and neck problems.

        When the weight of the head is not properly balanced, stress is placed on the neck and shoulders, which results in stiffness and pain. Stiffness caused by poor posture can be treated without medical intervention. Some people, however, may need to wear a back brace or specialized clothing to correct poor posture and relieve from the pain.

       Stress is the most common cause for stiffness to neck and shoulders. Many people have the tendency to unconsciously tighten their shoulder muscles when preoccupied with worry and anxiety. This results in stiffness of neck and shoulders. Prolonged Stiffness may lead to Chronic pain in that area.

       The stiffness caused by meningitis is a serious problem. Bacterial forms of this illness are treatable with prescribed antibiotics. Along with pain, the infected person may also experience nausea, a headache and vomiting.

       Headaches caused by tension, food allergies, a lack of quality rest and repetitive or prolonged work may also contribute to stiffness. A caffeine dependency or skipping meals may also cause a headache, which in turn contribute to Stiffness. The symptoms of this conditions can be relieved by proper rest and over the counter or herbal headache remedies.