Showing posts with label metabolism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label metabolism. Show all posts

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Postponing Meals may delay your Body Clock

The recent study by the Researchers shed lights on the potential way to alleviate symptoms of Jet Lag or the shift works of the individual.

Do you have the habit of postponing your meals because of work pressure or different shift timings?

BEWARE, this habit may delay one of the body's natural clock.

The human body runs roughly on a 24-hour cycle, which is centrally controlled by Master Clock in the Brain and subsidiary clocks in other parts of the body that are synchronised according to the external factors like light, climate etc.

The study shows that the 5-hour delay in meal times causes same amount of delay in blood sugar balances,suggesting that meal times synchronise internal clocks that control rhythms of blood sugar concentration. This regular jet lags or shift times disturbs the metabolism cycle.

The best way to come out of this issue is altering meal time which will help to rest the body clocks regulating the blood sugar metabolisms in a drug-free way. This way will help us also to reduce the risk of developing the Obesity and cardiovascular diseases.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


There are two prescription medications commonly in use to reduce weight. One acts by blocking fat absorption (Meridia). You must also be careful not to eat too much fat while at a meal, because excessive fat intake with this medication leads to diarrhea. It is thought that one reason this medication helps people lose weight is by training them not to eat too much fat or they will suffer the consequences.The other type of medication is an appetite suppressant. It is in the same category as amphetamines. There are some risks of cardiovascular complications, high blood pressure etc. Your doctor is unlikely to prescribe this. If you are craving carbohydrate-type foods (starches and sugars), a non-prescription nutritional supplement that helps regulate your glucose metabolism can be helpful.