Friday, December 16, 2022

Minimal Repair Technique In The Treatment For Hernia


The “Minimal-Repair Technique” is a revolutionary surgical procedure in the treatment for hernia. Until recently, open surgery was a very common form of medical treatment for hernia. This type of surgery involves wide abdominal incisions, exposing the patients to a high risk of developing complications (internal bleeding, post-operative infections). In addition, patients who suffer traditional surgery recover slowly and require up to a few weeks of hospitalization.

Initially intended for correcting inguinal hernia, the “Minimal-Repair Technique” can nowadays be performed in the treatment of various other forms of hernia. This new approach in the surgical treatment for hernia is aimed at locally correcting the physiological defects caused by the disorder, thus requiring fewer and smaller incisions.

The “Minimal-Repair Technique” is faster, more reliable and very safe. This procedure leaves no visible scars and it considerably speeds up the patients’ post-operative recovery. The “Minimal-Repair Technique” has been embraced by doctors worldwide and it is now considered to be among the safest and most reliable options in the treatment for hernia. This new medical approach in the surgical treatment for hernia is especially recommended to professional athletes, who are now able to continue their practice within only a few days after surgery. The “Minimal-Repair Technique” provides remarkable results and has proved to be a very safe alternative to open surgery, as the risks of post-operative complications have been virtually eliminated.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Obesity Surgery – Think over it seriously


If you are Obese and wants to lead a healthier life, then Obesity Surgery is a serious decision to make. Obesity Surgery will have both complications as well as the benefits.

For Example, If you have the stomach stapling done you may pop a staple at some future point after the surgery. If you have a band it could just slip anytime. Either way you will need corrective surgery.


Your stomach will be smaller in size beneficially and will not be able to hold much food. This in turn will help you to reduce weight. Just because your stomach is smaller doesn’t mean that you have a great appetite after your recovery. In fact, some people feel that their appetite has dramatically reduced but after complete healing the old habits return back. This can be difficult if you eat quickly and order large amount of food.


After an obesity surgery, you will fill up very quickly and can inadvertently make yourself sick. Also continuing with the sedentary lifestyle will hinder your efforts. Its important to start and stay active. One way to stay active and a suggested way for obesity surgery patients is walking.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Prostate Cancer - Risk Factors


The Prostate is a small, walnut-shaped sex gland in men that produces the seminal fluid, which nourishes and transports sperm. The growth of the cells in the prostate gland is stimulated by the male sex hormone called testosterone. Possible consequences of treatment include erectile dysfunction and bladder control problems. Prostate cancer progresses very slowly and the early stages show little or no symptoms. A man’s vulnerability to prostate cancer increases with age.

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer:

  • Difficulty in Urination
  • Urgency in Urination
  • Dull persistent pain in lower pelvic area
  • Painful Urination
  • Frequent Urination
  • Difficulty in Ejaculation
  • Loss of Appetite 
  • Weight Loss

Risk Factors:
  • Age
  • Heredity
  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Fat Rich Diet
  • Increased production of Testosterone
A routine screening test may reveal the beginnings of prostate cancer. A DRE (Digital Rectal Examination), which involves inserting a gloved finger into the rectum, helps the doctor to examine the prostate. Any change in shape or size of the gland may mean trouble. A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test analyzes a blood sample for the levels of PSA. If a higher than normal level is detected, a prostate infection or cancer may be suspected. A transrectal ultrasound helps to further evaluate the prostate using sound waves. If initial tests produce positive results, a prostate biopsy may be done to verify the presence of cancer. If cancer is confirmed, the next step is to investigate the spread of the cancer. A bone scan, CT scan, and Ultrasound scan may be used for this.

The mode of treatment directly depends on how aggressive the cancer is. For most men, a combination of treatments (surgery, radiation paired with hormone therapy, chemotherapy) may prove effective.

The best way to reduce the risk from prostate cancer is to eat a diet rich in fiber and low in fat. Regular exercise also helps.

Friday, October 15, 2021

Back Massage Techniques

 Back Massage is one of the best ways through which you can relive yourself from back pain.


Benefits of Back Massage Techniques:

  • Relaxation
  • Increased Body Awareness
  • Better Blood Circulation
  • Improved Lymphatic drainage for release of toxins

Typically, during the back massage, a masseur uses massage oil to decrease friction created on the skin and to prevent the pulling of skin hair. The less the quantity of oil applied, the greater is the friction and deeper will be the pressure. Use light stroking movements throughout your massage to move from one area to another, to soothe an area of localized deep tissue or to make a transition to another stroke.

Step by Step methods of Back Massage:

  • The person receiving the massage should lie down on his/her belly on a firm, comfortable surface, such as a floor mat or firm bed. Make sure that you the whole back of the massage receiver is comfortably within reach. Stand by the side of the person and place one hand on the lower back and the other between the shoulder blades, over the heart.
  • Warm up the back by applying thumb pressure along both sides of the spine simultaneously: Start from the lower back and knead gently with your thumbs up to the neck area.
  • Use a smooth, delicate stroke, called “effleurage”, to apply massage oil. In one long stroke, slide your palms down either side of the spine to the pelvis; scoop out around the hips and back up the sides to the shoulders. Maintain contact with the back. Move your hands over the back to start a new area. Continue up both sides of the neck to the base of the head.
  • Starting at the spine, slide your palms in opposite directions outward to the sides of the back, starting with the lower back area, and moving up to the shoulders.
  • Knead the fleshy muscular areas at the top of the shoulders, the mid-back area and the buttocks to loosen any tight muscles and fascia, which is a connective tissue.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Natural Way to Lower Blood Pressure


Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of the arteries, the vessels that carry blood away from the heart. It is normal for your blood pressure to fluctuate during the day. When it stays high, you have high blood pressure, or hypertension. This increased pressure puts a strain on your heart that could lead to a heart attack. It also affects other organs in the body like the kidneys and brain

Below are few ways to reduce Blood Pressure naturally:

1. Eating foods that are low in saturated fats, low in total fat, and low in cholesterol can reduce blood pressure. A well balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low fat dairy products should make up the majority of your eating plan. The lowered pressure effect of this dietary change is often the same as taking a blood pressure medication.

2. Maintaining a healthy body weight reduces your chances of developing hypertension. The best way to control body weight is to eat less calories and exercise more. Proven calorie reduction techniques include eating smaller portions, using low fat or fat free products, and limiting sugar intake. Exercising just 20 to 30 minutes a few times a week can produce dramatic results. The physical activity can include anything like walking, bicycling, or gardening.

3. Reducing sodium in your diet is another way to keep the pressure down. or someone with high blood pressure, your doctor may recommend 1.5 grams or less of sodium. Processed and pre-packed foods usually contain a high amount of sodium. After a high sodium meal, many people have a bloated feeling due to excess water retention. This extra volume increases the blood pressure.

4. Drinking an excess amount of alcohol can raise your blood pressure. It also harms the liver, brain, and heart. Alcohol is also high in calories, which can that lead to weight gain.

An excellent resource for blood pressure reduction techniques is found at the National Institute for Health website at

Friday, June 25, 2021

Gastritis and the Grumbling Stomach


Gastritis is a common medical problem o the stomach. 
Ever felt abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and constant hiccups? Then you might be one of the more than 10% of people who come to a hospital emergency department with gastritis.            
The stomach is an organ of the digestive systemf, located in the abdomen just below the ribs. Swallowed food is mixed with gastric juices containing enzymes and hydrochloric acid. The lining of the stomach called the Epithelium is layered with multiple folds. The epithelium is coated with mucus (gastric mucosa) secreted by special glands. Inflammation caused by gastritis occurs in this lining.      

Gastritis occurs when a bacterium, Helicobacter Pylori, or the chronic use of drugs or certain medications weakens the protective mucous coating of the stomach and duodenum, allowing acid to get through to the sensitive lining beneath. This bacterium is also responsible for most peptic ulcers.



Gastritis is not just one disease but a group of conditions, all of which result in the inflammation of the stomach lining. This means that white blood cells move into the wall of the stomach as a response to an injury to the stomach. Commonly, the inflammation results from infection with the same bacterium that causes most stomach ulcers. Yet other factors such as traumatic injury and regular use of certain pain relievers can also contribute to gastritis.

              Gastritis may be caused by many factors including infection, alcohol, particular medications and some allergic and immune conditions. It can be either acute, with severe attacks lasting a day or two, or chronic, with long term appetite loss or nausea.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Laser Treatment To Help You Quit Smoking

                  Laser Treatment to quit smoking is considered to be one of the most effective smoking cessation methods. This is the most modern or innovative method to be introduced in the recent study.


    The laser treatment method is based upon the old and simple principle. Every human body has certain points which are nerve centers and when these points are triggered it will help changes in the body. This principle is the base for many disciplines like Acupuncture, reflexology, shiatsu and many more. The main logic here is, if you apply pressure to these points in the body, you can get predictable effects to the body and overall health.


This same principle is applied in the stop smoking laser treatment method as well. The low intensity laser beam is applied to those specific points in our body. The outcome of this is the almost immediate reduction of the cravings that accompany the smoking cessation. This way you can go go through first stages of quitting smoking without the cravings associated with them.


  Naturally speaking, reducing the cravings is not always enough, as there are many other aspects associated with it. Therefore, the laser treatment will go along well with behavioral therapy that will eliminate the psychological aspects of addition. The laser simply deals with the Physical Nicotine addiction.

             The laser treatment is very "Clean" and has no side affects unlike some of the medications people take to quit smoking.

Is Laser Treatment to quit smoking a good idea for you?

  • It is quite expensive and prices vary. Also need to compare hospitals that provide this treatment.
  • Some health insurance doesnt cover cost of this treatment, so check with health insurance.
  • Plan to have combination of Laser Treatment along with behavioral therapy.
  • Undergoing only laser treatment will not give good results in most of the cases.
  • Last but not the least its YOU that really matters to actually quit smoking.