Friday, October 19, 2007
Food poisoning refers to poisoning that occurs due to eating foods contaminated with toxins or poisonous substances secreted by some bacteria. Food poisoning is more common in areas with poor sanitation or living conditions (often occurs in community feasts, cooked and served under unhygienic conditions or food stored under such conditions for several hours).
Food Poisoning - Occurance
Food or water can get contaminated due to its handling by a person infected with or carrying micro-organisms causing food poisoning. Improper cleaning and washing of fruits and vegetables, and improper cooking of food can also cause food poisoning.
Food Poisoning - Symptoms
Food poisoning generally occurs within 2 to 3 hours of eating or drinking infected food or water. The symptoms include nausea (a feeling of vomiting), vomiting, pain in the abdomen and diarrhoea. Other symptoms are fever, cold sweats, weakness, headache and dehydration.
Food Poisoning - Diagnosis
For diagnosis, the doctor reviews the symptoms, examines the patient and suggests laboratory testing of a sample of stools and the suspected food if available. A very important symptom for diagnosing it is that all the people who ate the same food get infected. In such cases, a careful analysis of food, to correlate symptoms to the food items consumed by those affected and those unaffected helps to pinpoint the most likely item which might have been infected.
Food Poisoning - Treatment
The treatment is mostly supportive i.e. treatment of dehydration and replacing salts. Some patients may need treatment of symptoms like drugs to treat vomiting. Occasionally antibiotics may be required if the organisms are demonstrated on laboratory examination; however most of the time these are not required because patients improve soon after initiation of supportive measures.The doctor may prescribe medicines such as metronidazole, diloxanide, fluroate or norfloxacin. All the medicines should be taken as prescribed by the doctor even after the symptoms are gone, as the infection may return due to the presence of the organism causing the disease in the body.Self care measures include drinking clean or boiled water with some salt and sugar at frequent intervals to prevent the patient from getting dehydrated because of diarrhea and vomiting.
Food Poisoning - Prevention
Drinking water should be clean and safe. Food should be kept covered while stored to avoid flies and insects from sitting on it. Buying food from roadside vendors should be avoided. Fruits and vegetables should be washed properly before eating. Food should be cooked properly.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Organic Foods and Health
What is organic food? Organic food is food that is grown naturally without the aid of commercial fertilizers and chemicals like insecticides, herbicides, and anti-fungal substances. Organic growers use only organic fertilizers and remedies for growing plants. These foods are natural and unrefined. Feeding the animals food that has no chemicals added to it in turn produces organic animal products such as meat, poultry and eggs.
Advantages of organic food: There are several advantages for us in eating organic foods:
• There are considerably less toxins in the food as it is grown without the aid of chemicals and Fertilizers
• It is often better tasting
• Better for you-there are more nutrients in organic foods and Omega 3 is often found in organic eggs.
How Organic food will improve your health: A natural diet consisting of unrefined foods, more fiber less chemicals and toxins will improve your overall health in several ways:
• More fiber from fiber rich foods and those that are unrefined will help your digestive system and allow your whole body to function better.
• Some organic eggs are produced from chickens that are fed on vegetarian feed. This will cut down trans fat and animal fat in the eggs. Omega 3 is found in organic eggs, this substance can be good for the heart.
• There is more iron in the yolk of an organic egg.
• Due to the absence of refinement in organic food it is more satisfying and will help you with any weight loss program by encouraging you to eat less.
• Organic fruits and vegetables have more nutrition than commercially grown ones so you will be feeding your body with better food and improve your overall health.
Organic foods are the wave of the future as more people become more educated about their health and the foods that are good for them. At present, prices are a little higher for organic products but it is worth it when you consider the benefits. By switching to organic food you will improve your health and wellbeing and you will also be able to boost your immune system and help your body fight off diseases and toxins.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Tips to be Young
Research has found that people who generally liv e longer do so partly because of good habits. Here, Dr Vernon Coleman and others provide some of the following good habits for longevity.
1) Laugh & fun, don't be gloomy
2) Let bygones be bygones. Dwelling on the past inflicts unnecessary stress.
3) Early to bed, early to rise, is healthy & wise
4) Stay lean, being just 30% overweight is bad.
5) Keep learning, reading & socializing - an alert & active mind keeps brain cells healthy.
6) Keep working, doing something you like. Don't retire, it slows down your body.
7) Be the boss of your own life. Letting others push you around produces stress.
8) Too many pills ruin your body, take just what you need.
9) Constantly alternating between weight gain & loss is bad
10) Exercise, quit smoking and eat less fatty foods
11) Do not worry about health & death, just get on with your life and enjoy it.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Babies have more BONES than Adults
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The options are very limited. Temporary symptomatic relief can be obtained from the pain killers like aspirin, ibuprofen etc. Surgical options include athroscopic debridement of the joint or alignment corrective osteotomies. But these procedures will not cure the symptoms completely.
The new treatement is in progress for this.........
Friday, August 24, 2007
Dandruff Causes
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
TRATAK - Meditation
After taking a cold bath, sit in a secluded place, free from disturbance of any kind.
The practitioner may sit either crossed leg on flooror may even sit on a chair which surface is flat. Keep the spinal column vertical and legs at right angle. Hands should be rested on the laps, palms facing upwards.
Keep a small object in front of your eyes and fix a gaze on it. You may make a small black point on the the wall in front of your eyes and make a gaze on it. The object or the black dot should be at a distance of about 1 to 2 feet away from your eyes.
Keep on staring the object with one point concentration. Have no ideas and thoughts in mind.
Do not blink, even if tears flow out of your eyes. Maintain one pointed concentration on object all the time.
Practice gazing continously for atleast 30 minutes each time and in the evening.
Continue to practice without break for 60 days
By the end of 60 days, or sometime even before, you will experience special magnetic vibrations entering your eyes and spreading all over the body. Keep on practicing and see the difference.